Marvel's Avengers Wiki
Name Type Description
Brawler's Dodge Press Button PS4 Circle/Button Xbox B to Dodge an incoming attack. Dodging just before an incoming attack lands will execute a Perfect Dodge. Quickly press Button PS4 Circle/Button Xbox B again while Dodging to perform a longer distance Evade.
Giant's Grip Press Button PS4 Cross/Button Xbox A and hold the left stick towards nearby walls to grab and hold onto them. Press Button PS4 Cross/Button Xbox A when attached to a wall to jump orthogonally based on camera facing direction. Multiple wall jumps can be chained together without the need to land on ground between jumps.
Bounding Jump While holding the left stick forward, press Button PS4 Cross/Button Xbox A immediately when landing from a previous jump to chain together multiple jumps of increasing height and distance. Allows for rapid traversal through open environments.

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