Marvel's Avengers Wiki
Name Type Description
Ranged Weapon Mastery Ranged Upgrade Choose 1 of 3 options:
  • Repulsor Mastery: Increases Critical Attack damage for Repulsor Attacks by 15%.
  • Laser Mastery: Increases Stun damage for all Laser attacks by 20%.
  • Rocket Mastery: Increases damage for all Rocket attacks by 12%.
Ranged Weapon Specialization Ranged Upgrade Choose 1 of 3 options:
  • Repulsor Specialization: Increases the rate of fire for aimed Repulsor attacks by 10%.
  • Laser Specialization: Reduces the intrinsic energy cost of using aimed fire for the Laser weapon by 10%
  • Rocket Specialization: Adds target guidance system to basic aimed Rocket attacks.
Ranged Weapon Efficiency Ranged Upgrade Choose 1 of 3 options:
  • Repulsor Efficiency: Decreases intrinsic energy cost for Repulsor attacks by 10%.
  • Laser Efficiency: Decreases intrinsic energy cost for Laser attacks by 10%.
  • Rocket Efficiency: Decreases intrinsic energy cost for Rocket attacks by 10%.

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