Marvel's Avengers Wiki

A Kree Sentry is a giant humanoid robot developed by the Kree. They are primarily used to defend their empire and defeat their enemies. Kree Sentries seem to be the source of Terrigen, with the crystal form seemingly found in proximity with it.


Kree Sentries were built by the Kree as a way to help take control of planets and destroy their residing civilizations. They existed thousands of years before the present day and used to patrol Earth. When the Kree left Earth, at least one remained behind and was buried in the San Francisco bay. It's unknown as to how it was deactivated.



  • In Marvel Comics, Kree Sentries first appeared in Fantastic Four #64 (July, 1967). Created by the Kree Empire roughly 80,000 years ago, they serve as guards for outposts and supply drops. Roughly a few thousand Kree Sentries are still active, with some also being used by supervillains in their schemes.
  • A Kree Sentry's head appears during the first chapter of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, sporting the same design as Marvel's Avengers. In addition, more information is revealed about them, including mention of different Sentry variations, and mention of them being manufactured on the planetary body called Halfworld.

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