Marvel's Avengers Wiki

Spider-Man (Peter Benjamin Parker) is a character in Marvel's Avengers. He was released November 30th, 2021, as the main part of the With Great Power hero event in PlayStation versions.

Website Bio[]

Spider-Man is conscientious photographer Peter Parker's alter ego, a web-slinging, crime-fighting protector of justice.


Early Life[]

A New York based superhero, shy, scrawny, asthmatic, 16-year old high school student Peter Parker had gained spider-based abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider. The effects of the bite not only gave him those powers but also cured his asthma, resulting in him discarding his inhaler. It also enhanced his muscle tissue and his perception. He originally gave himself the codename “Black Widow Man”, however, one day later, he discovered that male black widow spiders are harmless which made the codename seem less effective. As a result, he changed his codename to Spider-Man. He also got a job at the Daily Bugle at some point, where he became one of their star photographers. He'd begun activities as Spider-Man in the five years after A-Day. To protect his loved ones, Spider-Man would cover his tracks to his identity, to a degree where AIM were unaware of his alter-ego. Hawkeye once saw Spider-Man swinging through Hell’s Kitchen early in the latter’s tenure as Spider-Man, while lying in a dumpster in an alley. Spider-Man saw him as well, but was unaware that it was Hawkeye in the dumpster until the latter mentioned this to him four years later, much to the former’s surprise. At some point in his career, Spider-Man made contact with Black Widow during her days as "Tiny Dancer", even aiding her in leaking intel to the Inhuman Resistance.

Events of Marvel's Avengers[]

By the time the Avengers reassemble, Parker had been an Intern within AIM, alongside one of his best friends Liz Allan. However, during his time there, he uncovered some important information about what they were actually up to. Peter discovers that AIM are using supplies from Allan Chemicals, a company owned by Liz's family, to be used for a sinister purpose.

In a text message exchange, Peter attempted to ask Liz to meet up with him for coffee, to which she bluntly declined. Peter then proceeded to apologize to Liz for getting her fired as a result of his snooping around, even telling her that he unsuccessfully attempted to convince AIM that Liz had nothing to do with his snooping around. Peter then tried to calm Liz down, to which Liz angrily remarked that if Peter knew how much the AIM internship meant to her, he would not have skimmed information off of AIM’s server and condemned him for it. Peter then unsuccessfully attempted to warn her what he found out and asked her to meet up with him, as he felt his information was not safe to put in a text, to which Liz asked Peter to leave her alone, before blocking his phone number.

Later, during a routine patrol of New York, Spider-Man discovered that various members of AIM, masquerading as civilians had been spying on Peter, keeping tabs on him and also Spider-Man.

With Great Power[]

One day, following a mission briefing, Ms. Marvel spotted Spider-Man crawling on the Chimera’s windshield. When Ms. Marvel alerted the Avengers to this, he nervously greeted the Avengers and joked off Ms. Marvel’s comment and requested to be let inside.

In the interrogation Chamber, Black Widow pressed Spider-Man for answers, to which Captain America inquired about her familiarity with Spider-Man. Ms. Marvel then voiced her familiarity with Spider-Man’s exploits. Captain America was quick to remind Black Widow, Ms, Marvel, and Iron Man that he had spent the past five years frozen in space, and Iron Man reminded everyone he was living in a trailer, to which Ms. Marvel pointed out that Iron Man had access to the internet (this is meant to be a subtle indicator to the player that Captain America and Iron Man are not familiar with Spider-Man). Spider-Man commented that he would normally be insulted by lack of familiarity, but is touched by “50% recognition”. Black Widow then proceeded to inform Captain America, Ms. Marvel, and Iron Man that AIM had an extensive file on Spider-Man, but they were unable to identify his real name, and compliments the former on how well he covered his tracks. Spider-Man was elated at the compliment, but was blushing underneath his mask. Iron Man quickly reminded everyone that Spider-Man was still hanging on the Chimera in mid-flight, saying that his file did not explain that, to which Spider-Man explained that he needed Black Widow’s help, referring to her by her former alias, “Tiny Dancer”, and explained that she had helped “[his] friend” (by which he meant himself) in leaking intelligence to the The Resistance some time ago. He initially hesitated to explain further, to which Black Widow told him to proceed with his explanation. Spider-Man then proceeded to explain that AIM was working on something very serious, seemingly involving chemical weapons. Spider-Man explained that he was having difficulty getting any specific information as all of the files he had skimmed from AIM’s servers were mostly redacted, even joking that the amount of black bars redacting the information was enough to put modern art to shame, as he gave Captain America his phone to inspect the information (Captain America did return the phone after). An unconvinced Iron Man pressed Spider-Man for more information, to which Spider-Man added that he had been attempting to track down AIM’s supplier, but he would need Black Widow to break AIM’s encryption, thus allowing him to enter one of their facilities, and added that he can finish everything else himself. Captain America was quick to offer the Avenger’s assistance by telling Spider-Man to let them look first, adding that if Spider-Man is correct about what AIM is planning, they would help him enter the aforementioned facility and told the former to stay with them until they are ready to leave. As Captain America left with Iron Man and Black Widow leave the interrogation room, Spider-Man unsuccessfully attempted to convince them that there was no need for them to assist. As the three left, Spider-Man joked off Captain America’s instruction to stay with them. After an awkward silence, Spider-Man mused “Well, I thought it was funny.”. When Spider-Man attempted to convince Ms. Marvel that accompanying Spider-Man was optional, the former explained that while they acknowledged this, they still needed to help, as this was their job. Ms. Marvel then added that wearing his mask around the Avengers was not required. Spider-Man countered by explaining that it was not about him, and that he had people in New York that he needed to protect, and his mask aided in doing this. Ms. Marvel then brushed this off by remarking that no one in New Jersey, save for her father was aware of her identity, but explained that whether one wears a mask or not, everyone needed others that are there for them and understand them as well, especially the “weird parts”, and then encouraged Spider-Man to explore the Chimera, even stating that Hulk and Thor were competing in the HARM Room but Spider-Man could use the room after them, to which Spider-Man jokingly asked “HARM Room? Is that name literal or ironic?”. Ms. Marvel brushed off his joke and told him “Welcome to the Chimera, Spider-Man.”, to which Spider-Man acknowledged her welcome, and quietly mused “Let’s hope this was the right call, Pete.”.

After Honing his skills in the HARM Room to prepare for AIM’s threat, Spider-Man provided evidence of chemical manifests being transported between AIM facilities in New York, to the Avengers and enlisted for their aid in tracking down the company responsible for working with and supplying AIM with chemical agents.

Later, Spider-Man created a thread on his cell phone in an attempt to win the Avengers’ approval. Ms. Marvel advised Spider-Man to try baking, as Tony Stark liked snickerdoodle cookies, to which Spider-Man revealed that he was not an expert at food preparation, and added that he had survived on takeout foods such as “Dollar pizza and halal food trucks”. When Spider-Man asked Ms. Marvel how he can win the Avengers’ approval, the former reassured Spider-Man that he had nothing to fear, adding that both Black Widow and Captain America trust him, and advised him to talk science with Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, as this would win their approval, and as Thor trusts anyone that could be considered an ally, Spider-Man had nothing to fear from him, and also that Ms. Marvel herself liked him and that they would be friends, to which Spider-Man admitted that he did not expect being a superhero to involve socializing, and subtly admits that he was socially awkward. When Ms. Marvel promised Spider-Man that they would be best friends, Spider-Man made it clear that his involvement with the Avengers was a one-time basis, much to Ms. Marvel’s lighthearted skepticism.

Soon after, during his investigation into AIM’s activity, he found himself determined to prove himself to the Avengers. After a time, he sent an Email to Liz, warning her that AIM was doing shady activities and added that they had been doing it with supplies from Allan Chemicals, and asked her if she would want them involved, to which she admitted that no one would have willingly let Allan Chemicals’ products be used by AIM, but adds that she was only partially able to read the manifest labels and that whoever was responsible for the transactions expunged any record of the sale from Allan Chemicals’ server. Liz then informed Peter that she was able to track the paper shipping records from a warehouse and would keep investigating. Liz then bluntly stated that the reason she trusted him in response to the email was because there was no one else to trust and warned him not to make her regret it.

In order to track down location coordinates for Allan Chemicals’ shipping manifest, Spider-Man and the Avengers targeted higher ranking members of AIM. Later, in a text message exchange, Black Widow informed Spider-Man that the intel the Avengers had received was legitimate and they would move on one of their deliveries. Spider-Man then added that if they track their shipment logs, they could trace them to whoever sold the chemical agents in the first place before informing Black Widow that he felt he was always on the verge of revealing his identity and asking her when it would stop feeling as if he was lying to the world, to which Black Widow explained that there would always be 2 sides to who he would be: the public side and the private side, and advised him not to mix them together or it would be difficult to maintain the deception, and encouraged him to find the select few that Spider-Man would trust and allow them to help him. Black Widow sympathized with Spider-Man on how difficult his double life is and advised him to talk to her if he felt overwhelmed. Spider-Man then revealed his original codename and the reason he changed it.

Shortly after, Liz somehow alerted Spider-Man to her discovery of the broker between Allan Chemicals and AIM. Spider-Man met with Liz at the Ant Hill, where she had been working as a scientist for the resistance. After introducing herself, and Spider-Man confirmed that her father’s company is Allan Chemicals, she revealed that the one responsible for funnelling their resources to AIM: Mark Raxton, her stepbrother, who had been working at AIM as a junior executive since his graduation from college, leading Liz to assume that he was betraying her family to AIM, but she was unsure what he had planned, so she endeavored to keep investigating Allan Chemicals’ involvement with AIM and told Spider-Man to alert her to any developments on his end.

With the help of the Avengers, Spider-Man coordinated attacks on AIM’s caches. Unfortunately, a new factor had emerged: Synthoids programmed specifically to target Spider-Man. In light of this development, Spider-Man kept the synthoids at bay as his investigation continued. Spider-Man discovered that Mark Raxton was not working alone, and was at one point alerted by Liz regarding new evidence. Back at the Ant Hill, she told Spider-Man that after snooping around Mark’s network, she had discovered mention of a former mentor: Spencer Smythe, who had worked with AIM for 4 years as one of their lead Tech Engineers, leading Spider-Man to deduce that Smythe may have manipulated Raxton into brokering the sale between AIM and Allan Chemicals. As Liz was familiar with Mark’s work, she offered to reverse engineer some equipment that would give him an edge against Smythe’s synthoids. While Liz searched for a way to reverse engineer Mark’s technology, Spider-Man and the Avengers fought AIM to draw out their new technology. Spider-Man deduced that Smythe and Mark were engineering the former’s synthoids to specifically target Spider-Man in retaliation for working with the Avengers, and continued to fight them to aid in the resistance’s research efforts.

At one point, Spider-Man was summoned back to the Ant Hill somehow, where Mark himself reached out to the resistance via video call. When Spider-Man confronted Mark, he reassured Spider-Man that he came in peace, and warned Spider-Man that Smythe had gone mad, to which Spider-Man asked him why he had a change of heart, and reminded him that he helped make the synthoids hunting Spider-Man in the first place. Mark then revealed that he did it to ensure Liz’s safety, otherwise, her livelihood would have been ruined. He added that AIM was now aware of Spider-Man and the Avengers destroying the chemical caches, and implored Spider-Man to let him help, acknowledging that it did not atone for his actions. Spider-Man reluctantly agreed to allow Mark to assist and cautioned him to be careful as Spider-Man would be watching him, to which Mark insinuated that Spider-Man made a smart choice trusting him.

Soon, Smythe unleashed an onslaught of synthoids against Spider-Man and the Avengers. After the synthoids were defeated, Liz and Mark devised a way to reverse engineer Smythe’s mechanics, but required a number of supplies to finish their work. Shortly after this was accomplished, Smythe sent an email to Peter, framing him for AIM’s experiments on Inhumans, revealing that AIM knew that “Peter”(Spider-Man) was leaking information on AIM’s activities to the Avengers, before threatening to take action against him by reporting his alleged activities to the authorities. Smythe reminded Peter that by being selected for AIM’s internship, he had demonstrated that he had a “promising future” in the sciences, only to then say that he had placed his future in jeopardy.

Smythe remarked that young people could be drawn into situations without realizing the full implications, hence AIM having no desire for Peter’s future to be derailed by his actions, but that the situation was serious enough to warrant AIM’s attention. Smythe then presented Peter with an offer: If Peter informed AIM about what he knew about the Avengers, as well as any other resistance factions he may have been working with, they would consider him remorseful, and they would direct the authorities to the Avengers and provide Peter with the counsel of AIM’s legal team for free, before closing by advising Peter to contact AIM as soon as possible, warning that Peter had a rapidly-closing window of opportunity to save his future and himself, with the implication that they would ruin his livelihood by having him tried and arrested. Peter fearfully forwarded the email to Liz, who tried to reassure the former and calm him down, but Peter fearfully remarked that AIM would blame their experiments on him, and that they forged his signature to use as proof. Liz then tried to reassure Peter further by telling him that their evidence would not only not stand in court, but was also merely a scare tactic, which were clearly effective in frightening Peter, who worried that they would ruin his good name and brand him a pariah. Liz then gave Peter his word that she would investigate, and then told Peter of a plan to broadcast AIM’s experiments to the general public, to which Peter offered to do it, knowing that he would be fired from his job as a photographer, as this would involve hijacking the Daily Bugle’s live feed in order to expose the experiments to the public. Despite Liz’s misgivings, Peter reminded her that he was the one who got her fired from her internship with AIM, and therefore he should be the one to take the fall. Peter then subtly told her to send him AIM’s feed so that he could stream it while hiding his identity. Liz then expressed gratitude for offering to take the fall, to which Peter brushed it off.

Later, Spider-Man was called back to the Ant Hill by Liz, who presented him with some of the circuits that she and Mark reverse-engineered, much to Spider-Man’s awe. Unaware that Spider-Man and Peter Parker were the same person, she informed Spider-Man about “Peter”’s offer to Liz, to broadcast incriminating footage of AIM’s experiments from their database worldwide, but that he would need access to AIM’s database from the inside. Liz then offered use of Mark’s administrative clearance to AIM’s database, allowing him to “send it to Pete”, and broadcast AIM’s experiments. Mark supplied Spider-Man and the Avengers with his personal login, for them to use in their plan. Spider-Man and the Avengers infiltrated an AIM facility to leak AIM’s experiments to the Daily Bugle, and hijacking the Daily Bugle’s live feed to leak the experiments, before proceeding with a final assault to deal with the remainder of the synthoids that Smythe programmed and helped create. Smythe escaped before the Avengers could confront him.

Shortly after, in a text message exchange, Black Widow checked in on Spider-Man adjusting to his “double life”. After Spider-Man confirmed that he had been adapting, Black Widow mentioned that Liz spoke with her and told her about “Peter”’s legal woes and subtly endeavored to wipe AIM’s “evidence” from their server, revealing that Liz had asked Black Widow to look into this and telling Spider-Man to let her know if he wanted to talk.

Later, at the Ant Hill, Spider-Man checked on Liz, who was processing Mark turning himself into authorities, ashamed of the hurt he had caused, which was also reported by Phil Sheldon in the news. Liz admitted to Spider-Man that she did not expect Mark to take the blame for the experiments to save her career. Spider-Man was quick to remind Liz that If Peter hadn’t gotten involved, Liz would not have lost her internship, to which Liz told Spider-Man that Peter had the right idea all along, and he was right to expose AIM. Liz admitted that she did hate Peter at first, but the threat that AIM poses was much more serious than Liz or Peter, and she now had something to offer the resistance. She then acknowledged that while Allan Chemicals cannot officially collaborate with the resistance, she could at least offer her services as a biochemist, much to Spider-Man’s approval. When Liz asked what was next for Spider-Man, the latter considered returning to New York, to which Liz told Spider-Man that it was all right to bond with the Avengers. Spider-Man initially declined, remarking that he was not used to having others want to be around him, since he was always a solo hero. He even considered working with the Avengers to be terrifying but also good. He felt it strange that the Avengers want to be around him and vice versa, to which Liz jokingly encouraged Spider-Man to try it. Black Widow commended Spider-Man on his efforts, and told him that if he wanted to stick with the Avengers long term, no one would mind. Ms. Marvel added that Bruce requested that Spider-Man limit his lab time to once per day and during official hours. Spider-Man replied that he still had his own messes to clean up in New York, but that if the Avengers needed him, they could give him a call. When Ms. Marvel jokingly asked Spider-Man if he was not going to insist on working alone, Spider-Man replied that he would have the Avengers on speed dial, before asking for a ride to New York, given the distance from their current location, to which they oblige. Spider-Man also received a brand new costume as well.

Back in New York, Spider-Man received a phone call from his aunt, May Parker, during which he reflected on his day, and subtly told her that he had made some new friends and had a good time. After hanging up, Spider-Man went for a swing in the city. Later, he received a text message from Ms. Marvel checking on him, to which Spider-Man reflected on how Smythe escaped, to which Ms. Marvel remarked that villains always escape the first time. Spider-Man then responded that Mark was taking the fall for Smythe. Ms. Marvel reminded Spider-Man that Mark helped build the synthoids programmed to target him, to which Spider-Man countered that he worked with AIM to protect Liz, despite understanding his motivations. Ms. Marvel then asked Spider-Man what if Mark had simply spoken with Liz instead of doing what he did. Spider-Man simply told Ms. Marvel that if he was working with Smythe to protect Liz, he had no choice, to which Ms. Marvel told Spider-Man that there was always a choice. Spider-Man hoped he would never have to make a similar choice, to which Ms. Marvel remarked that he already did by allying himself with the Avengers.

Sometime later, Peter got fired from the Daily Bugle for hijacking the Daily Bugle’s live feed and broadcasting AIM’s experiments. Following a weekend patrol, Spider-Man decided to stop for the night earlier than he usually does, due to his immense exhaustion, and endeavored to do extra patrolling to compensate for this. Spider-Man reflected upon Black Widow’s advice and decided that working with the resistance is good, and he had grown to trust the Avengers since working with them.

Aftermath Since Meeting with the Avengers[]

While Spider-Man is not an official member of the Avengers, he does help them on occasion during missions as a reserve member, and sometimes visits them in their various bases of operations (including in Wakanda). He even caught wind of the Avengers’ ongoing prank war. As he was not an official member, he did not feel comfortable directly involving himself in the prank war itself, although he does support it to a point where he even asked Bruce where he stood on the prank war, and asked Ms. Marvel about it. He did however pull one prank which involved “accidentally misplacing” one of the refills for his web shooters on one of the plants in the Chimera’s science lab, much to Ms. Marvel’s mischief. He also runs some members of the avengers in an ongoing RPG campaign, including at least Kate Bishop, who plays a paladin (in spite of Spider-Man’s protests to this, as he feels that she is missing the point of playing the game, though he ultimately gives in, provided that Kate does not question the damage rolls), and Thor, who plays a barbarian. Ms. Marvel is also a part of this, though it is unclear who she plays. Spider-Man also attempted to invite the Asgard-Timeline Jane Foster to join the campaign, suggesting that she play a cleric as there was no healer in the party, but she politely declined, as she felt she had been playing make-believe for too long as it is (though she is content to watch the gameplay, as was offered by Spider-Man). It is implied that Winter Soldier had been approached by Spider-Man about the campaign, but it is unknown if he is a part of it, as all that is known about the interaction is a discussion on what kind of dice was being used. It is also known that Spider-Man struggles a bit with scheduling play sessions due to the Avengers’ jobs and other endeavors. Spider-Man was also added to Shuri’s secret text chat. As she did not know Spider-Man’s real name, he was added under the alias “That Spider Guy”. He generally does not post very much, unless it involves the aforementioned RPG campaign. It is also known that Shuri repeatedly fashions vibranium samples into dice for Spider-Man to use in his RPG campaign, much to Black Panther’s annoyance, though Spider-Man was excited and in awe upon hearing this.


Mutated by the bite of a radioactive spider, Spider-Man has spider abilities, such as wall crawling, wall jump, including permanent wall run. He can also fire webbing from his web shooters which disintegrate after one hour. Respectively, Spider-Man’s Perfect Dodge Spider-Sense is his best defense to leave him armored, and can use Takedown when Spider Gauge is full without stunning the enemies. His other reliance is his spider-related gadgets, particularly web fluid-based moves like web zipping, web shots, .etc. Due to web swing is used as R2/RT for mobility use, Spider-Man uses Heavy attacks and perfect dodge counter as the unblockable/parry moves. While overall being the second non-flight character to have Air Dodge, but unlike Kate Bishop-Hawkeye, who requires AIM teleport gauge first, Spider-Man can use Air Dodge normally. Most of his gameplay is akin to his counterpart from Insomniac Games’ Marvel universe series, and some previous games featuring Spider-Man (particularly from Activision’s developed Spider-Man games), this further evident by his Web Swinging button functions and can use Takedowns against airborne, in the case of the former, and his diverse combat moveset in the case of the latter.


Spider-Man Skills/Primary Light

Spider-Man Skills/Primary Heavy

Spider-Man Skills/Primary Ranged

Spider-Man Skills/Primary Intrinsic

Spider-Man Skills/Specialty Support

Spider-Man Skills/Specialty Assault

Spider-Man Skills/Specialty Ultimate

Spider-Man Skills/Specialty Movement

Spider-Man Skills/Mastery Combat

Spider-Man Skills/Mastery Ranged

Spider-Man Skills/Mastery Efficiency

Spider-Man Skills/Mastery Intrinsic



  • Richard Parker - Father †
  • Mary Parker - Mother †
  • Ben Parker - Uncle †
  • Maybell Parker - Aunt





  • In Marvel Comics, Peter Parker / Spider-Man first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 (August, 1962) He is a recurring ally to the Avengers and a reserve member for the team, though has served brief stints as a member of the main roster and the New Avengers. Additionally, other characters using the Spider-Man identity, notably Miles Morales, have served as Avengers, though often briefly.
  • Spider-Man is currently the only character that will be exclusive to any specific version of Marvel's Avengers across all platforms. However, a small preview of Spider-Man shows non-PlayStation input, a Steam/Xbox control button input, which is likely unintentional. As the game support officially ends on March 2023 as the digital version of the game removed from digital store front on September 2023, Spider-Man is left being exclusive to PlayStation version.

Also See[]
